Resources / Webinar
Student Mental Health & The Power of Family Engagement
An interactive discussion about how schools can best partner with families to support the mental health needs of their child.
January 28 | 12:00 PM EST
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Navigating conversations about mental health supports with families requires thoughtful strategies that acknowledge diverse cultural perspectives, address stigma, and build authentic partnerships. Join this webinar to hear from experts on:
- Common challenges around engaging families in topics related to mental health.
- Evidence-based approaches for engaging families in mental health conversations.
- How leading districts are successfully partnering with families from diverse backgrounds, including newcomer families, to create supportive environments and productive mental health conversations.
Presented in partnership with
Meet our Panelists
Cory McCarthy, M.Ed
Chief of Student Support, Boston Public Schools
Dr. Shadae Harris
Former Chief Engagement Officer, Richmond Public Schools
Magda Rodriguez
Chief Operating Officer, Tenacity
Moderator: Jillian Kelton, M.Ed
Director of Learning & Engagement, Cartwheel